Selasa, 1 Mac 2016

Afrina and Adlina at Kids-Tokei on Vogue


Tarikh 1-Mac-2016.

Pada 29-Februari-2016 Meen menerima email daripada Kids-Tokei.

On Monday, February 29, 2016 8:06 PM, キッズ時計クラブ <> wrote:

KIDS-TOKEI CLUB brings here the news of the release date for KIDS-TOKEI on VOGUE.
Thank you very much for your patience.
KIDS-TOKEI on VOGUE will be released on Tuesday, March 1 on our Homepage.

Meen’s child / children is scheduled to appear at 21:16 every day.

■The URL of the kids clock on our Homepage
(Until the release time, the URL directs to the homepage of KIDS-TOKEI CLUB.)
Also, you can find the KIDS-TOKEI on VOGUE from My page after logging in.

Photoshoot untuk Kids-Tokei on Vogue berlangsung pada 16-Disember-2015 pada hari Rabu di Jphoto Studio, Publika Solaris Dutamas.

Inilah di antara detik-detik yang telah dirakam.

Open your heart to your dreams.

Semoga tercapai impianmu puteri-puteriku.

Manisnya senyum.

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