Sabtu, 7 November 2015

TNB Bills and Energy Savings at Home



How does saving energy help the environment?

Saving energy help us to control our expenses so that it can be more efficient.

Today when I check into my post box, I was expecting that the bill will go lower than before because I used to be more energy saving last month.

But I was frustrated by the bill amount that is higher than usual.

Where did I went wrong?

Thus, I will be more experimenting for the next cycle of bill, which I hope will be lower than from what we have expense monthly.

Here are some energy savings tip at home that we can apply for our residential that I've referred from TNB official website at

Wish that it will be the reference to save more energy.

Love nature. Love future. Do something.

Please take note of all the tips that can help us do better savings at home. It might looks small action to save the future, but do believe in me, it does help.

I would also like to share one more tips to save energy.

We daily will use ceiling fan than the aircon, so why not once monthly we clean up the blade. Trust me, it will running efficiency and the air will be more fresh and clean.

Hope all of you will find the ways to save energy.

Save energy. Save environment. Save nature.

Manisnya senyum.

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