Ahad, 27 Mac 2016

My Best Birthday Present Ever


Date 27-March-2016.

Today is my birthday.

Thank god I have my very best birthday present. I am happy even though I may not be rich and luxurious and I am still searching and hoping for the job, but I do have my own happy family.

Wish that my family will be blessed each and every day and wish that I will be given the strength to get through my struggling time.  

Thank you

For always being there for me
When no one else wanted to be 
For always standing by my side
And correcting me when I was wrong.

For always reminding me that
The world did not hate me as much
As I thought it did and The only reason I was being 
Tested so much was because 
I was the greatest warrior
And the greatest enemy
Because this is my life 
So this is my war
And depending on the way 
I chose to be
The Hero or the Villain
I was meant to fight either way
Because the universe
Thought I was worthy.

Thank you for always giving me
Large warn hugs
And making me laugh
On the days where I 
Felt like I was dead inside
And the days where I felt the most 
Unwanted, lost, and sad.

Thank you for making me realize
That sometimes
Happy places are people
And not things nor place.

Credit to ohheyitsnafisah

Manisnya senyum.

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