Khamis, 31 Disember 2015

5 Tips for Taking A Healthy Lunch to School



Much of the food kids eat today is heavily processed and saturated with toxic chemicals like nitrites, food coloring, and chemical additives. Preparing and sending your own lunches keeps you in control of what food your kids eat. Natural meats, organic fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats are only a few of the healthy food choices you can make when you send homemade lunches to school with your kids.

5 Tips for Taking A Healthy Lunch to School

Tip 1 - Encourage Variety
  • The more choices you pack in kids’ lunches, the more they are likely to try a bit of everything. Using the flavors and textures your child likes, introduce small quantities of a large variety of foods to encourage experimentation.

Tip 2 - Keep It Warm

  • Warm food such as soup or a rice bowl is always a hit, especially on cold days. Since lunchtime is short and there generally are no microwave ovens accessible to kids, pack a healthy, warm school lunch in an insulated, leak-proof container. 

Tip 3 - Pack Snacks

  • Worried your kids will visit the vending machine or school cafeteria for junk food between meals? Make sure kids can reach for healthy snacks when they get hungry both during and after school—usually around 10:00am and 3:00pm. 

Tip 4 - Include Tiny Treats if Any 

  • Kids often ignore their vegetables for sugary treats, so minimize or eliminate the amount of sugary foods you pack. Keep sweets out of the lunch box or offer something small like a square of dark chocolate—they’ll still be hungry enough to eat their veggies too.

Tip 5 - Let Them Pack It

  • Save time and get your kids excited about healthy lunches by letting them pack it themselves (or involving younger ones in food selection) the night before. They’re more likely to pack foods they enjoy, which means they’ll eat it up. 

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