Rabu, 13 April 2016

She Brings Me The Positive Energy


Date 14-April-2016.

She brings me the positive energy.


They are energetic and so positive.

So does my little angel Adlina. Slowly I will recover and getting back my energy when I saw her.

She seems to be understand what I feel inside.

How I wish to tell you dear, but truly I don't have to tell you the story, you will get it just by looking through my eyes.

Thank you Allah, for sending me one of your little angel to be mine.

My Little Angel - Adlina

I wish you will find the way to recover as soon as possible. It is okay to be sad, but please to bounce back and get up friends.

Surely, so many people are just waiting for you to come back and you will find the way to stand tall and face it.

May we have the greatest journey ahead.

Love you all.

Manisnya senyum.

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